Easter Raffle 2025.pdf
Superstar Sports welcome you to join them at their Easter Eggstravaganza Holiday Course running at a venue near you. They would like to invite your child to come and join their specialist coaches for fun-filled days of football, gymnastics, inflatables, performing arts activities, as well as an Easter egg hunt! HAF places available for those that are eligible.
To find out more information please see the flyers below.
To book your child’s place head to https://bookings.superstarsportsuk.co.uk/
Northern Junior Easter Flyer.jpg
Titchfield Easter Flyer.jpg
Easter clubs are available at Cams Hill School.
If you qualify for benefits related Free School Meals then you are eligible to sign up for any of the HAF camps.
A HAF Code will be required when booking.
Children must be accompanied by a parent/carer.
More information and details of how to book a place can be found on the HAF Easter - Cams Hill Families website.
Easter HAF Cams Family Poster.pdf
Easter HAF Cams Teens Poster.pdf
Portchester Community Centre are holding an event on 9th April 2025 in the Easter Half Term.
There will be an Easter Egg hunt in the park across from the centre, the children can take part in a fun quiz while following the trail and finding the missing eggs.
The tuckshop will be available to purchase sweets, treats and refreshments and entertainment will be in the main hall, music by DJBeamz along with games and prizes!
£3.00 per child, £2.00 per adult. Children under 1 free.
You can book your tickets now. Call 02392 321787 or email info@portchestercommunitycentre.co.uk
Community Centre Easter Party Poster 2025.pdf
K1 & Kickboxing at Red Barn Primary starting 14th January 2024
6:00pm - 7:00pm. £6.00 per lesson pay as you go.
For more information & to book
Text: 07512 365263
Email: ska.martin8@gmail.com
or message them on Facebook @SKA.MAIN
On Friday evening Chloe and Chloe in year 4 performed at the opening press night at the West Quay Christmas ice rink, the girls were so excited to perform.
We are so proud of both of you!
To book your place or for further information:
Text: 07512 365263
Facebook: @SKA.MAIN
Easter Raffle 2025.pdf
Superstar Sports welcome you to join them at their Easter Eggstravaganza Holiday Course running at a venue near you. They would like to invite your child to come and join their specialist coaches for fun-filled days of football, gymnastics, inflatables, performing arts activities, as well as an Easter egg hunt! HAF places available for those that are eligible.
To find out more information please see the flyers below.
To book your child’s place head to https://bookings.superstarsportsuk.co.uk/
Northern Junior Easter Flyer.jpg
Titchfield Easter Flyer.jpg