Pupil Premium for Previous Year

Pupil Premium 2022-23

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools according to the number of children that have been eligible for Free School Meals within the last six years, from Service Families or children who are Looked After. The purpose of the additional funding is to aim to ensure that the achievement of children from these groups is in line with the national average or better.

At Red Barn Primary School, we have used this funding to further complement our Quality First Teaching as well as seeking improvements in individualised provision. As part of our inclusive approach, we aim for all children to succeed, regardless of background.

Pupil Premium Expenditure:

Red Barn received £57,647.94 during the financial year of 2021/2022. We are spending the money in the following ways:

Usage Time dedicated  Desired impact Method of measuring impact Responsible for monitoring
Additional Learning Support hours At least 80 hours a week To ensure that children can receive differentiated teaching inputs for phonics, reading, writing and maths School tracking documents SLT
Additional lunchtime staff 2 hours a day To ensure that we can offer structured lunchtimes with adult-led activities Record of incidents Children’s questionnaire responses Headteacher
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant 10 hours weekly To ensure that children’s well-being is supported

Teacher / ELSA questionnaires

Children’s questionnaire responses

Boxall profiles / SDQ

Dedicated time for Speech and Language intervention 10 hours weekly To identify and address the needs of children with speech and language difficulties SaLT service reviewing of targets



Forces children support

1 hour weekly



To support children whose parent(s) are on deployment and away from the family home

Little Troopers workshop with Forces Lead and Head

Children’s questionnaire

Feedback from parents

Payment towards end of term treats Termly To provide an incentive to promote good behaviour in line with school behaviour policy Attendance at end of term treat (99.7% in December 2022) Headteacher
Payments towards school trips As and when trips are organised To ensure that all children can participate in off-site activities to enhance their first-hand experiences

Topic Case Studies

Children’s questionnaires

Change 4 Life Club 1 hour weekly To ensure that children are taught how to develop healthy lifestyles

Attendance register

Pupil Interviews

PE Manager
Oversee children-led clubs As and when To ensure that children are able to access opportunities within lunchtime Attendance SLT
Extra-curricular music tuition 30 minutes weekly To ensure that children are able to access high quality music tuition Music grading system Hampshire Music Service
Home Learning Support 30 minutes weekly per KS2 class To ensure that children have an opportunity to practise, apply and consolidate skills   SLT
Service Level Agreement for Hampshire Educational Psychology Service 30 hours of SLA time To ensure that the more complex needs are supported by an Educational Psychologist. Advice for staff and support for the Inclusion Team

School tracking documents

Boxall Profile / SDQ

Teachers / Inclusion team
Inclusion Team meetings One afternoon each month To monitor the provision and progress of vulnerable pupils

School tracking documents

Data Analysis

Inclusion team
Monitoring the effectiveness of Wave 3 support One afternoon each half term Observations of provision being delivery and feedback offered / triads facilitated Lesson observations Inclusion team
Monitoring the effectiveness of provision for vulnerable pupils Annual Inclusion Hub Organising and presenting to Inclusion Governors Inclusion Hub minutes Inclusion Team and linked governors

The expenditure and impact of the Pupil Premium Funding will be analysed at the end of each school year by the Inclusion Team.

Achievement of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding in 2021/2022

These statistics represent the final achievement outcomes of the Year 6 children in receipt of the Pupil Premium funding. Reading and Maths results are as the outcomes of the national curriculum tests whereas writing is teacher assessments in line with national guidance.

Children in receipt of Free School Meals (9 children)

  Reading  Writing Maths
Exceeding 11%    11%
ARE 44%  22%  11%
Close to 45% 78% 78%

Children from Service families (9 children)

  Reading  Writing  Maths
Exceeding  33% 22%  34%
ARE  55%  44% 55%
Close to 11% 33% 11% 


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