Foundation Stage – Miss Barfoot, Mrs Villiger, Mrs Riddell & Mrs Terry

Farm animals Wild animals

Get Set Grow – part 2!

For next half term as a class we have decided to continue our topic Get Set Grow! We have enjoyed learning about plants and growing so much that we voted to move the animals part to after half term.

In Literacy we will be creating an information leaflet and story based on our chosen animal and a letter to the farm. We will be using non-fiction books to help us learn about our chosen topics.

For Maths, we will continue our daily maths building on our current knowledge including patterns and mathematical sharing.

In Expressive Art and Design, we will be watching and discussing a range of dances and music. As well as creating animal masks and habitats.

We will have lots of roleplay opportunities to practice our imagination and communication skills including a farm, pet shop and home corner.

As a class we will continue to monitor and record the weather and plants around us as the season changes. We will also learn about different countries around the world and the animals which live there.

We will continue to practice being independent, resilient and persistent as well continuing to practise using our friendships skills and empathy.

Each week we will have PE on Wednesday and will visit the library on Thursdays. For Summer term, your child can arrive in school on Wednesday in their PE kit as they are now confident in changing.

We cannot wait to see the learning that takes place this half term!

Year R team

Past Learning

Year R 2023-24

Amazing Adventures

Superheroes Unite

Fairy Tales

Terrific Transport

Get Set Grow 

Get Set Grow Part 2